safe - economical - kind to the environment

The new old way of heating your home
A masonry stove is a large wood fired heating system that is the newest "old way" of warming your home.
There are hundreds of designs from various countries and range from basic heaters to ornate tiled centre pieces. This particular type of stove has its origins in Russia, Scandinavia, Northern Europe and in recent decades, North America and Canada.
Early stoves were made of stone, clay or clay brick and more recently of refractory material and machined soap stone.
What Are The Main Advantages Of Masonary Stoves?
They do not need a grate as the wood burns directly on the stove floor.
External walls are only warm to the touch and so are safe with children around.
The stove can hold heat for 12 hours or more.
Minimal heat is lost through the chimney compared to a traditional open fire.
There are no odours or dust.
Ovens, water heaters and hot plates can all be built into the stove.
With rising fuel costs, heating a home with oil or gas can be very expensive.
A masonry stove burns wood, which is a renewable source of energy.
They are safe, healthy, economical and kind to the environment.
It's nice to know you are coming home to a warm house!
Prices Start from £8000.00
safe - economical - kind to the environment
Swedish 5 Channel Stove
Swedish 5 Channel Stove
This impressive stove is 5ft wide x 3ft in depth and 7ft 8in tall.
It weighs in at around 4 tons.
It is placed in the middle of a small stone cottage and heats the living room, kitchen, upstairs and provides all hot water. There is an oven fitted into the back.
The fire box is 600cm x 400cm. There is an oven situated at the back.
A boiler can be installed should you wish to heat water from the stove.
The stove is finished in lime plaster with a slate mantle and hearth.
All iron work is bespoke made by a local blacksmith.

This particular stove has been built into an existing fire place in a stone cottage. The stove does not sit directly against the wall, there is a small ventilation gap between the wall and back of stove to allow warm air to be convected into the room.
It is made from Aluminium Silicate (refractory concrete) and is 34 ins wide, 22 ins in depth and 46 ins high.
The completed stove sits higher again depending on the height of the plinth. It has been tiled in natural stone (Travistine) and weighs approximately one ton.
Traditionally these stoves would be free standing however this stove has been built over an existing fire place on a stone gable wall.

This stove is 5ft 2ins x 49ins x 29ins. It is made up of 210 clay bricks and approx 750kg refractory concrete. The door is steel and glass.
There is 10ft of heat exchange channel ( or chimney) which can be cleaned via one of the three soot boxes on the sides.
It has a slate top.
The rear of the stove heats another room, as seen in the right-hand picture.
Can be seen working in our workshop in Dumfries and Galloway.